[TRLog] Re: OS compatibility

Marc k1ts@mediaone.net
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 23:14:05 -0000


Thats interesting...  One of the sticking points always seems to be CW
sending.  Did he try keying a radio from the parallel port? Was he able to
get at the ports (from a software point of view)?


> K0EMT (a local, to me) reports:
>    This weekend I set up DOSEMU (DOS Emulator) on Linux with
>    MS-DOS 4.01 (ick) and was able to successfully run TR-LOG
>    (as well as POST).
> I queried as to whether the speed seemed to suffer:
>  > Did it seem to run decently fast?
>    Yes, it did. I ran it under the X windowing system w/KDE
>    (the GUI) and speed wasn't really an issue at all.
> Maybe this'll help someone.. somewhere.
> 73 - Tom Hammond   N0SS
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