[TRLog] Handling of "?" at end of call sign

Udo DL2ZAV dl2zav@darc.de
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 00:21:17 +0100

On 19 Dec 2001 at 18:31, Dale L Martin wrote:
> Why would one need to delete the ? at all?   The software could probably be
> coded to do so.
> If the ? prompts the station to repeat his/her call and it's good, then no
> callsign in the exchange field should do the following:
> 1.  Remove the ? from the callsign window
> 2.  proceed with the normal TU message and NOT send the Call OK Now message
> A callsign in the exchange field would prompt:
> 1.  The correction of the call
> 2.  The removal of the ? from the callsign window
> 3.  The Call OK Now message.
> Seems a simple thing to check for in and remove from the call window.

I'm quite satisfied with TR not letting me log the QSO as long as there is a ? in the 
call. Do you want to trade the risk of a busted call for that tiny rate increase?

I think KL7RA has the right solution with the @? in an F-key (the think-I-got-it-but-
not-sure-about-your-call-key). Then you will need a ? in the call window only when 
you definitely miss a character, and then you should not be able to log.

73, Udo
73, Udo

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