[TRLog] Beverage control

KL7RA kl7ra@ptialaska.net
Tue, 25 Dec 2001 06:06:13 -0800

TR loggers and loggereets:

Pete, N4ZR, asked a good question on the tower talk reflector
about selecting beverages. The answers ranged from good and
simple to some really bizarre micro processor at the tower stuff. 

I also have been looking at a beverage system and selection. I
know beverages work. Often we hear the East coast multi-op
signals on top band but they CQ in our face until we can get 
them to select the correct beverage. It seems to me this antenna
selection should be quick and robust. Several weeks ago I was
drawing out some "simple" circuits using a large dial for direction
when it occurred to me that everything is in place with TRLog, 

The band "bits" on the parallel bus are not used for anything useful
at this location. They could be "switched" off and beverage bits 
turned on. Two keys could select the "rotation" and of course
space bar would select the right direction after decoding the call

The interface would have to have manual/TRLog control for 
path slewing but Jay at Array solutions could design all that
for the folks that didn't want to hack one out  themselves. I
see a small blue box with 16 LED's in a circle with a switch.

73 Rich KL7RA   Latitude with attitude 


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