[TRLog] UBA: Belgium is in South America!

Juhan Põldvere juhan@chem.ut.ee
Thu, 1 Feb 2001 18:47:37 +0200 (EET)


My apologie to all those who beleived my post about Belgium being in
South America, and that

> > I wonder if you have any ideas about how to get those Belgian prefixes
> > counted for multipliers? That would be perfect!
> It can be done!

Well Belgium is back in Europe, and the trick with SOUTH AMERICAN PREFIXES
works only at first glance. Adding the prefix multiplier makes TRLog 
forget the worked EU countries as soon as they slip off the editable 
window. When restarting the program, the country mults get counted
correctly, but not remembered, and not marked in the remaining mults
window. Weirdly, the program sees those country mults that have not left 
the editable window.

It seems that TRLog does not like both country and prefix mults enabled in
the same contest. Do they share some common resources?

Giving up on the prefixes.
If you can live without them, there are two more things to hack in the
UBA-specific country file: remove both Sicily/IT9 and Shetland/GM/s from
UBA's cty.dat so the corresponding calls move to I and GM respectively.
Thanks to VE3KZ for finding this out.

I will send a hacked CTY.DAT as CTY.UBA to Udo, DL2ZAV so he can make
it available on his great site at 


(The file is based on a 1999 version of cty.dat)

Juhan, ES5QX

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