[TRLog] Booting to MS-DOS with Windows ME

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Fri, 05 Jan 2001 19:36:33 -0500

At 10:52 PM 1/5/01 -0000, n6tr@teleport.com wrote:
>This looks a lot like a cash cow to some people.  
>To me, it is just a fun thing to work on. 
>I guess I will drop the next bomb...  TR has learned how to sort of
>operate a RTTY contest.  It will probably learn how to operate another
>one this weekend.  After a complete cycle of these - I will probably
>release it as a feature.  

Tree, I honestly don't think Gary meant it that way ... only that the big
development effort was past.  I think that's great, and your support
poluicy is super-reasonable.  I can't imagine changing to anything that is
available, or rumored, or whatever...  We all know you're not getting rich
off TR Log.

73, Pete N4ZR
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