[TRLog] Config file changes with reboot

Larry Tyree tree@kkn.net
Tue, 9 Jan 2001 21:02:41 -0800

> Why does my Log with a Single Keystroke keep changing to True every time I 
> reboot my system?  I'm saving my changes to the config file with Alt G and 
> Alt W commands.

As I suspected - I had a bug with the code that reads this command
in.  Whenever it sees the LOG WITH SINGLE ENTER command in the config
file - it will set it to TRUE regardless if you have TRUE or FALSE.

This will be fixed in the next release.  In the meantime, DO NOT
put LOG WITH SINGLE ENTER = FALSE in your config file.  It will
turn on this feature.  Just remove it and it will be turned off
(the default value).


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