[TRLog] Frequency hiccups?

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Sat, 13 Jan 2001 23:01:37 -0500

During the NAQP CW running 6.55, I ran into a new one (for me).  Often (but
not always) when changing bands the program would switch back to the band
just left, while the radio would stay put.  This almost resulted in logging
on the wrong band, but I think I caught it every time.  Usually, after
doing a few more Alt-Bs, it would stay put, but once or twice I had to
change the radio to match the program and retry the band change from
scratch.  It seemed to happen whether I was changing bands in the program
or at the radio.

The only thing that's different, other than the program version, is that
I've recently upgraded my PC to 128 Mb of memory.  Everything else is
unchanged -- even used last year's logcfg.dat.

Anyone else encounter this?

73, Pete N4ZR
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