[TRLog] Strange Behavior

Jon, W4ZW w4zw@home.com
Sun, 14 Jan 2001 11:01:03 -0500

Had a strange thing happen several times during NAQP.

After entering a comment, CNTL-N, the keying quit working.  Closed TR and
restarted and all was OK again.  Same thing happened about four times,
always after entering a comment using CNTL-N.  Had to close the program and
restart each time.  First time this has ever happened here.

Otherwise, TR worked flawlessly as usual.  Keying got a bit bumpy a couple
of times since I run it in a DOS window, and I guess windows had to do a
little housekeeping, but overall excellent.

Jon Hamlet,  W4ZW
Casey Key Island, FL

"A little bit of Paradise in the Gulf of Mexico"

 One of the W1AW/4 Crew - IARU/WRTC-2000

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