[TRLog] Re: pair of IC706s and TRLog

agtaylor@llnl.gov agtaylor@llnl.gov
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 09:53:10 -0800 (PST)

I got a few answers (one of which was to sell both 706s and get
a real radio--I expected that one!). The most useful one in advance
of trying my combination of gear was that TRLog will not address
more than one ICOM rig through their standard interface CT17 box
even though it is supposedly capable of handling up to 4 ICOM 
radios. This is a major problem as the PC (an old laptop) I was
gg to use has only the one serial port. I guess this ends the project
until (if or when) TRLog does handle multiple ICOMs through a single
serial port.

73 and thanks for the helpful suggestions.



Allan G Taylor


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