[TRLog] N6TR e-mail

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Wed, 24 Jan 2001 11:13:47 -0800


My local ISP got bought out by OneMain (an Earthlink company).  Since
then, their service has been very flaky and there have been at least
two times that I know my e-mail has been bouncing.  They are also doing
away with UNIX shell accounts - another reason to leave.

I have since discontinued my account with teleport.  They say they are
going to setup e-mail forwarding through the end of the year, but I am
not so sure.

My alias e-mail addresses (n6tr@contesting.com, n6tr@arrl.org and others)
will still work as they will point to my current mailbox (tree@kkn.net).

73 Tree

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