[TRLog] Dupes & Exchanges

R. Kline 4x4nj@iname.com
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 05:09:54 -0000

I have 2 problems:

1- In the CQ WW the duplicate contacts were not marked "dupe" etc.  They
were given zero points, but since the rules required dupes to be clearly
marked, I had to manually insert "dupe" with a text editor. The Stew Perry
logs were the same in that respect.

2-In the CQ 160,  another problem cropped up.  When I enter the received
exchange, the program always logs the generic prefix.  In other words, if a
European Russian station is logged, it always shows up as "UA" - ignoring
the fact that I logged "ER" for most of these stations.  During the contest
I found the quickest thing to do was to use "ctrl-N" and enter the desired
correction.  Using the real time editing (alte-E) was too time consuming
moving the cursor into the right place, etc.  Now, after the contest, I'll
go back and make the corrections with a text editor.  Since there are well
over 100 of these things to fix, it is significantly troublesome.

Questions:  Are these bugs in the software or something most likely wrong in
my configuration?  If it is a configuration problem, then what do you
learned reflectees feel is the most likely error or errors?

Riki, 4X4NJ (4X3A)

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