[TRLog] ER for UA

Juhan Põldvere juhan@chem.ut.ee
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 16:27:11 +0200 (EET)

> I checked TR here and now I understand what is happening.
> UA stations were sending ER for their country (European Russia)
> and they should have been sending UA, ie. UA9FM = UA0, VP5F = VP5,
> EA1TR = EA.
> TR logged what they should have been sending.

Nope. The rules say

   RS(T) and state for USA, province for Canada, and
   either prefix or country abbreviation for DX. Contacts
   without some location indicator will be ruled invalid.

They could have even sent "European Ru",
but not "European Russia" as this is neither a prefix nor an abbreviation.

Have fun,
Juhan, ES5QX

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