[TRLog] Question on Cabrillo generation

Jack jackn2mpu@monmouth.com
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 19:37:23 -0400

  I have version 6.58 of TR, and was experimenting on entering contacts
and grid squares as preparation for next weekend's ARRL VHF contest. No
problem entering data; TR is a very efficient program. Where I have a
problem is in the Post program, and specifically the Cabrillo generator.
It asks for grid sent (by me). When I finished answering the prompts, I
exited Post and decided to look at the .cbr file using Notepad.
Basically looked like it should, but in ARRL section it had the grid
square of FN20 where it SHOULD have by section, which is SNJ. At no time
did Post ask for my ARRL section.
  The question is: should the program have asked for ARRL section where
it asked for the grid I sent? What should I do? I'd like to use TR next
weekend if I can. Thanks.
de N2MPU Jack FN20pe
Modeling the NYC and NYNH&H in HO and CPRail and D&H in N
Proud NRA member
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