[TRLog] TR//logwindows

David Price wa4et@hotmail.com
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:34:11 -0000

TO All

As a long time user of logwindows and TRLog, I would be in favor of the 
windows format and would be willing to pay for it. Everybody wants something 
for nothing. I use TR for contesting and logwindows for gen QSOs, and find 
it to be a real pain in the as to append the logs and so forth.

originally the dos format was kept in my opinon because there where a 
million 286's around for practicaly free, you know disposisable compuers. 
Now 133 pentiums are the disposable computers and taking advantage of their 
power would be next natural step.

as always the SW developer nexts to absurd some developemental cost, but as 
a con summer I would be will to share some of the cost burdens with you. 
Meaning seveal low cost upgrades, incremental charges where neither the 
developer of the comsummer is out of pocket much..

Also trying to but everything in on the first release would not be 
realistic,,, some people need to realize Rome wasn't built in a day, and 
neither will TRlogWindows

JUst some feed back.... becuase I never saw the survey, only talk about it. 
The traffic on the reflector has been realy down, I thought it was some 
short of server problem, then Tyee kind of confirmed it with one of his 
post... so I thing you need to resubmit the survey several time before you 
can the Idea

The only post I saw intinialy was the post by Tree talking abt the idea or 
concept behind TRLog/Windows

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