VR2BrettGraham vr2bg@harts.org.hk
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 16:13:33 +0000

N4WYR wrote:

>I recently acquired a PK-232 Pakratt, without the manuals.  I have been able
>to get it to work using the PKGold software.  I would like to use it with
>TR, but am having trouble figuring out the transmit and receive codes.  It
>looks to me that the PKGold is sending a "XM<cr>" to put it into transmit.
>I tried this manually and it works, but cannot figure out how to get TR to
>send the carriage return when programming the RTTY SEND STRING in my
>logcfg.dat file.  Or is there another control code I should be using?
>Control-D seems to work for receive.  I found that in a help file at
>qrz.com, but they didn't have the info for transmit.

The PK-232 wants to see X^M (X followed by ctrl-M, aka C/R) to go into
transmit in BAUDOT mode.

order to accomplish this, but I don't know the correct syntax for defining
the string in logcfg.dat & haven't had the time to figure it out 
myself.  Perhaps
he would be so kind as to post something here.

But seeing how you say that ^D works okay for receive, then maybe you've
figured the syntax out & can tell the rest of us.  ^D is the correct thing to
send to a PK-232 to put it back into receive when transmitting in BAUDOT
mode.  A ^F does the same thing, but sends a CW ID before dropping PTT.

>I haven't tried this on packet yet.  Is anyone using a PK232 for packet
>interfacing with TR?

Yes & it works great.

73, BV/VR2BrettGraham

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