[TRLog] TR v 6.56 Field Day - DIG qsos converted to CW mode

Richard Ferch ve3iay@rac.ca
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 01:04:42 -0400

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 22:33:09 -0500, Cal Kutemeier wrote:
> All my DIG QSOs that I entered were converted to CW when I created the
> Cabrillo file.  How can I fix this?  I do not want to create paper logs.


As an aside, you don't need to submit a Cabrillo file, or any other log, for
FD. All the ARRL wants is your dupe sheet, sorted by band and mode (see Rule
8.1.2). You are supposed to keep logs for one year (8.2), but they do not
have to be in Cabrillo format (8.2.1); TRLog's native format will do fine.

However, if you do want to keep the log in Cabrillo format, that's your
choice. To correct the Cabrillo log produced by TRLog, use any text editor
(WordPad, in Windows, or EDIT, in DOS, will do fine for this) and replace
the "CW" by "RY" in the QSO records for your digital contacts. If you have
separate log files by band and mode, you can use a global replace (change
"CW 2001-" to "RY 2001-" so you don't inadvertently change K9DX to K9RY by
mistake!); otherwise, search through the combined log using "Find Next" and
only do the replace on the digital mode contacts.

73, Rich VE3IAY

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