[TRLog] IC-706 interface

Gunnar Unger bgu@telia.com
Sat, 17 Mar 2001 15:03:01 +0100

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You might also try the CI-V address 48H instead. I have found that the 
manual is not correct for the 706MKII-G version.
Gunnar, SM5AAY

At 14:23 2001-03-16 -0700, you wrote:

>IC-706: 34 CI-V address  4EH
>               35 CI-V Baud     AUTO

Gunnar Unger
Disavagen 11
S-73743 Fagersta
bgu@telia.com; gunnar.unger@fro.se

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

You might also try the CI-V address 48H instead. I have found that the
manual is not correct for the 706MKII-G version.<br>
Gunnar, SM5AAY<br>
At 14:23 2001-03-16 -0700, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>IC-706: 34 CI-V address&nbsp;
35 CI-V Baud&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AUTO<br>
<font size=1>Gunnar Unger<br>
Disavagen 11<br>
S-73743 Fagersta<br>
bgu@telia.com; gunnar.unger@fro.se<br>


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