[TRLog] PK-232 Packet Setup - Help

Vic Goncharsky US5WE us5we@polynet.lviv.ua
Sun, 18 Mar 2001 08:04:18 -0000

Hi Dick,
Firstly - try to check the PK232 (is it MBX and what's the date of EPROM
version ? DEC93 is the best) using any DOS terminal software, I suggest
Set up communications parameters as COM2 2400,8,n,1 and check if cmd: shows
up on the screen.
If there's a garbage - the terminal speed is different or 232 is in KISS or
HOST mode.
Remove the battery jumper through the hole on the bottom, wait for a minute
or so switch 232 on back
and type a star for autospeed routine.
Set the mycall and TXD and try to connect to your DXC. if everything goes
well put the battery jumper back
and enjoy TR.
Secondly - 232 does not "like" 3-wire serial cable, use the usual modem one
Thirdly - I'm not sure if this parameter is needed -  EIGHT BIT PACKET PORT
Hope this helps,
73, Vic

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