[TRLog] v6.57 problems

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Sun, 18 Mar 2001 09:00:00 -0500

At 01:46 PM 3/18/01 GMT, Clive Whelan wrote:
>I had the following problems in the Russian contest.
>1. For the first time ever since v6.32, I had trouble entering 
>calls in the call window. Sometimes, and I'm not sure exactly 
>why or when as I was busy watching my fingers, the first 
>character was completely missed. Thus when G9BF called, I typed 
>that, but the computer sent ( and the call window on inspection 
>reflected) 9BF 599#, and I had to manually edit. This happened 
>in perhaps about 5% of the QSOs. I thought at first that *I* was 
>doing something wrong, but now realise I was not.
>2. For some stations, the exchange window was preloaded with a 4 
>digit number of the type 1234, 6789 etc, and this had to be 
>edited before the exchange could be edited. This affected 
>perhaps somewhat less than 5% of stations.
>Anyone else get these problems?
None of those things seen in 170+/- QSOs here with 6.56. if that helps
narrow down the source.  

The only problem I had was that the exchange memory would insert the
country multiplier of non-Russian stations in the exchange field, which
blocked logging QSOs.  Turning it off meant that I lost the chance to see
oblast data on stations I'd worked before -- not a big deal, but

73, Pete N4ZR
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