[TRLog] Radio control PC/TS440S

erik.hyllander erik.hyllander" <sm0lzt@svessa.se
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 21:38:09 -0500

Hello TR-users,
So far I have used TR-log on an old PC with W95 and three COM-ports of which I used COM3 to control the radio. Now I run into a small problem when starting up a new PC with W98SE.
This PC has two COM-ports on the board. When I configured the logcfg-file and changed COM3 to COM1 the log is locked. 

For your info I also run DX4WIN on the new PC with radio control on COM1 without problem. So I guess that the cause is to be found due to the fact that TR-log works in the DOS environment.

Does anybody know if it is possible to get around this problem???

Erik Hyllander, SM0LZT
packet: SM0LZT@SK0MK
E-mail: sm0lzt@svessa.se

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