[TRLog] Repeatable cw messages?
Soro Roberto
Wed, 21 Mar 2001 09:07:02 +0100
Hello all,
I always noticed this problem (feature?) since I started
(practically) with 6.40, so I used to stop the repeated CQ hitting ESC
and this is what I usually do automatically, before
typing the first letter of the new caller.
Anyway, during last Russian using 6.57 I found the auto-repeat
auto-restart nice and useful.
Now come to a possible side effect:
since I worked mixed mode, when I switched to SSB I had the
autoCQ running again.
Since I don't still use SBDVP nothing happened but
only to see the countdown message on the bottom line.
I'm asking: we have the way to set-up an autorepeat by Alt-Q
then to start or restart it by Alt-C.
There is no way to say: I don't want this anymore.
I looked through the manual and the Control-J menu but found nothing.
May be the same Alt-Q followed by something different from Fx will do this?
Say Alt-Q Alt-K
To me this was annoying, for the SSB side effect mainly, but
I would like to be able to reset this feature,
without exiting TR, anyway.
Have a good day!
Bob,I2WIJ (IU2M in WPX contest)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clive Whelan [mailto:clive_whelan@btinternet.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 9:42 PM
> To: TRLog Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [TRLog] Repeatable cw messages?
> > this was happening to me with previous versions but not every
> > time.
> >
> I am sure Udo and Jan are correct, but I have to say it *never*
> happened to me before using a Pentium 200 in pure DOS mode. In
> 6.57 it happens too often for comfort, and then the responding
> station naturally wants to correct his call and the whole thing
> goes pear shaped!
> I know Tree understands the problem, but for the moment I have
> no option but to revert to v6.56 I think
> 73
> Clive
> --
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