[TRLog] Cabrillo support in ARRL VHF/UHF contests

Jack jackn2mpu@monmouth.com
Mon, 07 May 2001 20:41:12 -0400

  I have a question for the VHF/UHF contest community. After many years
of hand logging, and having more computers than I can shake a stick at,
I've decided to go to computer logging. The ARRL (and others) have
specified Cabrillo as the format for log submissions. I understand that
TR supports Cabrillo format, but in perusing the archives of this
reflector, it's apparent that there are some problems with various
contests and Cabrillo output. I was wondering, before I plunk my money
down, what, if any, are possible issues/problems with getting proper
Cabrillo format output from TR for the ARRL June and September VHF
contests and the January VHF Sweepstakes?
de Jack N2MPU FN20pe

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