[TRLog] Control A???

David O Hachadorian k6ll@juno.com
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 11:22:57 +0000

On Mon, 5 Nov 2001 22:06:02 -1000 Mike Sato <chucky@aloha.net> writes:
> Hi!!!
> Got a question on trying to optimize my configuration for 
> SO2R....according to write-ups, TR is capable of:
> Alt D...find a "new station" on another band...hit space bar and 
> call the "new station"...
> TR will then jump back to calling a CQ on run band then...????

If the new station on the second radio answers your call, just type
his exchange info into the exchange window. Hit F2 to send him your
exchange. Once he QSL's receipt of your info, hit ENTER. He will go
into the log, the run radio once again will become the active radio, and
another cq will go out.

If the new station on the second radio does not answer your call,
just hit ESC once to go back to running. That same new station will
remain in the on-deck circle for you to call again later.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

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