[TRLog] Alt-I only works in SS if the exchange window just has the NR

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 22:14:51 -0800

> I tried to use the Alt-I feature that's supposed to increment the number
> in an exchange while the contest was set to Sweepstakes.  It erases the
> Exchange field unless the only thing in it is the number.
> Most of the time you try to copy the entire exchange that's sent by the
> other station while you wait until he comes back to you.  I hadn't been
> aware of the Alt-I feature until I reread the manual last night, so I
> was really disappointed that it didn't work for the SS exchange.  We
> spend a lot of our time deleting the final digit (or two) and retyping
> in the new number while our S&P station waits for a time when the run
> station isn't transmitting to make a call.  Alt-I just seemed so
> useful.  If only it worked...

This feature only works if all you have is a number (like in the WPX).


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