[TRLog] Cabrillo file

Soro Roberto roberto.soro@sia.it
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 13:17:14 +0100

Hi Ken,
cabrillo for vk/zl (or Oceania) is probably broken.
At least it is in 6.57.

In any case a workaround exists.

make a file like the following:


save it as vkzlxx.cfg (for instance)

copy your log.dat file into a new file
named vkzlxx.dat

now run post

under the first screen 
select the vkzlxx 

into next screen select C = Create Cabrillo file
and answers to all questions.
You should get the vkzlxx.cbr file OK now.
Just edit all the info 
(like the score if it is not correct)
in the header and you are done.
hope this helps.

GL and 73

Bob,I2WIJ (IR2V in contest)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: zl1aih@ihug.co.nz [mailto:zl1aih@ihug.co.nz]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 9:06 AM
> To: trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TRLog] Cabrillo file
> As a 'beginner' TR user (DOS-challenged), I'm having serious 
> difficulty with Post - I need to create a Cabrillo file for last 
> month's Oceania contest, and so far have been unsuccessful.
> After running Post, as per manual, the Post R S I get 'there 
> were no contacts found in the active log file'   
> Changing active log file to any filename (that contained 
> significant amount of data) in the directory, I get 'Log.Cfg not 
> found'   I'm sure it's an operator ptoblem.
> The editted log is still intact and printable as a paper log.
> I would rather submit it as an attachment to e-mail, as per the 
> manual - the contest organisers accept and encourage the 
> Cabrillo format.
> The TR manual is too cryptic for my limited DOS experience.
> Could an informed TR user please step me through a simple 
> keystroke sequence to get  my log into a Cabrillo file.
> The shack computer is Compaq 486 - stable, DOS, and metal 
> cased (very quiet, even on 160), so I need to transfer the log 
> from the 486 to floppy, then use the house Pentium for e-mail.
> I'm presently using  TR 6.59, but have 6.60 ready to install after 
> I get through the VK/ZL log problem.   After that, I need to 
> prepare for the CQWW - a paper log will not be accepted. 
> 73 and TIA
> Ken   ZL1AIH
> --
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