[TRLog] 6.60 Observations ...

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:38:27 -0800

> First issue ... contest started OK ... somewhere along the way TR 
> "forgot" the DVPTSR had been loaded ... Never seen that before. 
> Exited TR, unloaded the TSR and then reloaded it ... all OK after 
> that. Only happened once, and on PC-B. Not a biggie at all.

Could be that the TSR got messed up somehow - hard to say.

> 15SSB 18-Nov-01 22:06 1072B K7RFI ...
> 40SSB 18-Nov-01 22:06 1073A WO8HIO  ......
> 15SSB 18-Nov-01 22:08 1073B AC4IK      ......
> See the problem ?   1073 was assigned TWICE !

This is the classic multi-single QSO numbering problem.  There really isn't
an easy way to fix this - without using separate QSO numbers / computer
(which is the solution for multi-multi).  The good news is that the log
checking software will not remove QSOs that are off because of this


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