[TRLog] "on deck" call...

Ron D. Rossi rrossi@btv.ibm.com
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 09:45:39 -0500

Yup it works if I put the callsign at the END or in the MIDDLE of the exchange 
information. I was trying it at the beginning. The problem may be that there 
is no way to put a space at the beginning of an exchange and TR is expecting a 

It would be nice for it to be recognized anywhere in the exchange string 
though. Maybe that is an "easy fix" for Tree?

Thanks for the help.

73 es God Bless de KK1L...ron (kk1l@arrl.net) <><
QTH: Jericho, Vermont
My page: http://www.qsl.net/kk1l

>>>George Fremin III - K5TR said:
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 02:13:52PM -0500, Ron D. Rossi wrote:
> > 
> > I enter a callsign in the call window. Hit <enter> to go to the exchange 
> > window. I type "/some_other_callsign" then the exchange. When I hit <enter>
> > log the contact, the contact is logged and NOTHING shows up in the call win
> I have not used this feature yet but I think you need to enter the 
> exchange and put the a space and then put the  /some_other_callsign in 
> the exchange window.  I just tried it and it did as expected.
> -- 
> George Fremin III                 
> Johnson City, Texas             "Experiment trumps theory." 
> K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)                            -- Dave Leeson W6NL
> geoiii@kkn.net                             
> 830-868-2510                      
> http://www.kkn.net/~k5tr                   
> --
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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
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