[TRLog] Re: Logging DX stations in CQP
Alan C. Zack
Sat, 13 Oct 2001 12:48:46 -0700
Please correct me if I am wrong (and I may be) but I use CT. In CT it logs
the mult (state) the first time you log it on any band. But then if you work
them again on another band it does not count as a mult since you already
worked them on another band, and so the mult field remains blank.
If this is NOT correct then I have a lot of fixing to do.
As for DX, CT excepts only certain prefix indicators for each country.
Example, I worked a German station with a DJ prefix. But CT wouldn't except
DJ, only DL. Sorry I can't help you with the OKLA versus OK1 example. I
would suspect if you logged it as OK it would be treated as OKLA, but am not
GL and 73
"Bob Wolbert, K6XX" wrote:
> Folks,
> This IS a serious problem for California stations running TR-Log in CQP. My
> log WAS disqualified last year due to excessive DX QSOs without having the
> proper country identifier. You won't find me listed in the results at all...
> and I was president of the sponsoring club(!) at the time.
> Tree, PLEASE find a suitable method of entering sections of non-multiplier
> QSOs real-time.
> Here's one actual scenario:
> Worked AH8I, who was in Alaska. He was not signing /KL7. The first time he
> represented a multiplier, and the program took the information fine. The
> second time, I entered his exchange (# + AK), but the program cleared it
> out--no QTH information was left in the exchange field. After the contest,
> when I was filling in all the blank spaces with QTH info, I couldn't
> remember his QTH--but certainly didn't remember working a south Pacific
> station. Fortunately, I had worked him previously and had the information
> stored (just a lucky find with 2100 QSOs in the log...).
> Don't say I should have entered a note in the log--I was running quickly and
> know I entered the information properly. There was no time for a note,
> either ^N or on paper. This is a program bug.
> The CQP committee had conversations with Tree about this a couple of years
> ago, and gave a one-year "grace period". That grace period expired before
> last year's contest.
> By the way, the method I used to enter a DX QTH is the standard prefix plus
> a number. For example: OK1. Oklahoma is "Ok", so this provides some
> differentiation.
> 73 de Bob, K6XX
> k6xx@arrl.net
> www.k6xx.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-trlog@contesting.com [mailto:owner-trlog@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of punkymcd@postoffice.pacbell.net
> Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 7:21 AM
> To: Tree N6TR
> Cc: trlog@contesting.com; ad6e@aol.com
> Subject: [TRLog] Re: Logging DX stations in CQP
> Tree,
> How does CT for instance take care of the proplem. I understand that OK
> for Oklahoma and OK for Czech Republic are the same but somehow it is
> taken care of. Ok and OK for instance are different in letter case.
> QSO's aren't removed because the contest committees haven't the heart to
> disqualify a QSO because of one program's shortcoming. Just because a Q
> hasn't been removed doesn't mean there isn't a problem.
> Don, W6OA
> Tree N6TR wrote:
> >
> > Hmm - well, I haven't ever seen a QSO removed for this.
> >
> > It is very hard for TR to put DX entries in there without counting
> > them as possible mults.
> >
> > Tree
> --
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