[TRLog] Not a valid callsign

Udo DL2ZAV dl2zav@darc.de
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 23:10:40 +0200

> But I just wonder, is it possible to get a function into the program that
> tells you if a call is not valid for a specific contest.
> For instance if I put in VK3XYL when working the ALL ASIAN contest, a
> "popup" window can tell me "NOT A VALID CALL".
> This will be a great help to sort out if the callsign are from ASIA or not.
You could make up a country information file as described in the manual.

What I did is to edit my CTY.DAT, I put the continent just in front of the
country name (using a macro, not manually 340 times).

So now instead of just showing things like
West Malaysia
East Malaysia
(can you remember which is which?)
to the right of the call sign it now says
AS West Malaysia
OC East Malaysia.
This should be enough information. Note that TR will not prevent you from
working either of them.
(To be honest, my CTY.DAT even says OC 9M6 East Malaysia etc.)

For the WAE, you could change the name of every European country to something
like    EUROPE!!!   or so.

Keep the original CTY.DAT in your TR Log program directory. Put the modified
one into your contest working directory, it will take precedence.


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