[TRLog] SBDVP oddity

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 07:29:54 -0500

I ran into something new (to me) using SBDVP with TR 6.59 this weekend.
I stored my call, with a second set of phonetics, in the EXF2.DVP file.
This was in addition to the MYCALL.DVP message that plays back from F1 in
S&P mode.  My S&P exchange was stored in the SAPEXCHG.DVP file.

Messages from all three locations played back fine, individually.  However,
if I used the EXF2.DVP message during a QSO sequence, the SAPEXCHG.DVP
message would not play back when I pressed [ENTER} to log the QSO and send
the other station's exchange.  If I used MYCALL.DVP twice instead, the
exchange would play fine when asked for.

Since EXF2.DVP and the S&P F2 key are normally used for the full contest
exchange, it occurred to me that perhaps something internal to TRLog
"thought" that I had already sent the exchange once, and automatically
prevented resending it, even though the exchange is stored under a
different filename.

Is this the case?  Is this maybe a leftover from the way the program works
in CW mode?  Obviously, it's no biggie, but if so it probably should be

73, Pete N4ZR

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