Udo DL2ZAV dl2zav@gmx.de
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:29:45 +0200

Hi Tom and all, 

[Tom Hammond NØSS, 10 Apr 2002:]

> Does anyone happen to have a LOGCFG.DAT file written to support the
> QRPTTF (QRP To The Field) contest?

Here is something that is two years old, based on information given to me then. It's 
also at 

Von: Mark Adams 
Betreff: Contest: TR-LOG in QRPTTF
Datum: Montag, 24. April 2000 16:20


Udo, DL2ZAV, has provided me with a solution for logging the QRPTTF this 
Saturday pursuant to a request I made on the TR-LOG mailing list. Simply 
follow the instructions below and you can log normally. After the contest, a 
little massaging with the .dat file will produce a scored contest log and 
summary sheet. 

I tried it and it works EXCEPT for the .cfg line that reads:
dx multiplier = arrl dxcc with no usa canada kh6 or kl7
This causes an error for me, so I commented it out.
<changed below, DL2ZAV>

Any questions, I can try and help you.

1)>Make a copy of S50P13.DOM (or whatever is correct, this one counts 50 
states and 13 provinces), name that copy QRPFIELD.DOM.
Add this line at the beginning of the file:

dx > 0 = DX
This is > "zero" = (not letter O), needed for dx stations.

2) Use this as QRPFIELD.CFG:

my call = dl2zav
contest name = QRP to the Field
exchange received = rst domestic qth
literal domestic qth = true
domestic multiplier = domestic file
domestic filename = qrpfield.dom
dx multiplier = arrl dxcc 
; or what?
qso point method = ten points per qso
; merely a dummy - needs recalculation
qso by band = true
mult by band = true
display mode = color

Log like this:
579 NY/MM or
579 NYMM  (no spaces allowed)
for New York and Location is Marine Mobile.

For DX stations, prefix it with DX:
539 DXDLHO or 539 DX/DLHO or 539 DX/DL/HO
for if you copy a German station operating from Home.

So you can type just what you hear (almost), and you will get the
multipliers correct, which I think is important. QSO points are correct only
for field stations.

4) After returning home, load your QRPFIELD.DAT into an editor.
Replace every MM by MM 25,
replace OC by OC 20,
WT by WT 15,
FD by FD 10,
HO with HO  5 (two spaces in between).
Now move those qso points to the QSO points column, replacing the 10 points 
that are there.  Do this either manually, or with an editor that can handle 
rectangular selections. In German this is called "column block mode" (what's 
the correct English term?), it's that what Word does when you hold down the 
Alt key while marking with the mouse. Realign the QSO points for dx 
stations, they are misaligned due to the longer exchange entered.

Do POST P to remove "0" multipliers left. Let TR calculate qso points and 
multipliers (POST L C). Calculate final result including your own location 


GOOD LUCK and see you in the Pileups on Saturday!!!

Mark K2QO
Operating with W2IV from the beautiful shores of Lake Erie.


73, Udo

Ich funke mit TR-Log von N6TR: