[TRLog] DOS/98/XP: Nutzed Up Part III
Mark S. Adams, P.E.
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 09:16:42 -0400
Hi Gang,
I tried the following suggestions with the following results.
1. Comment out the port assignments. Well this did nothing. The program
still froze after logging a couple of Q's.
2. Reload DOS. Tried an MS download of DOS 6.22. Did not improve the
3. Load Caldera DR-DOS. The 1.4MB images would NOT fit on any 1.44 MB
floppy. Could therefore not try this out. This is available at
www.drdos.net .
4. Run TR from Win98 (on a separate partition) using a command prompt.
Oddly, the program freezes after logging a few Q's.
5. Load a different version of TRLog. I tried loading the last three that
K5TR sent me. All with the same results. Each one was in turn deleted from
the HD, the new rev was unzipped and installed to \LOG.
6. Try other DOS programs. Loaded VHFTest by NS9E. It works fine.
I am out of ideas and will start pulling my hair out soon. BTW, Log EQF
works PERFECTLY in XP. It even sends PERFECT CW!! Too bad it doesn't do
contests well.....
73 es TNX,
Mark K2QO
Mark S. Adams, P.E.
University at Buffalo
Occupational and Environmental Safety
220 Winspear Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14215-1034
Tel: 716.829.3707 ext. 25 Fax: 716.829.2704
Pager: 716.774.2260