[TRLog] TR 6.64 comments...
Ron D. Rossi
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 08:55:19 -0400
>>>Jim Smith said:
> Hi Ron,
> Haven't tried 6.64 yet. Was anything done about not being able to set
> the decay time beyond 63 min or so? I would like to be able to set it
> to, say, 4 hours as it makes S&P much easier. i.e. I don't have to wait
> ten minutes for the guy to give his call when I'm tuning by if I've
> already got him on the bandmap.
Not yet. The only practical way for me to do this would be to change the
granularity of the decay from one minute increments to something larger. The
max number of "time units" an entry can survive is 63. That is not going away.
However, I can make the "time unit" programmable. I know how I can implement
it. I need to think about what to call it and how to present it. I am thinking
simply BAND MAP DECAY UNIT = 1, 2, 3, ...? It needs to show up right next to
BAND MAP DECAY TIME in the ctrl-J menu to avoid confusion. Comments?
> The comments about sbdvp make me think I'll wait 'til that's cleared up
> before upgrading.
It would (does) discourage me too! I use SBDVP a lot. It will be fixed before
the next release.
73 es God Bless de KK1L...ron rossi(kk1l@arrl.net) <><
QTH: Jericho, Vermont
My page: http://www.qsl.net/kk1l