[TRLog] DOS/98/XP-almost solved??

Guy Olinger, K2AV k2av@contesting.com
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:54:40 -0400

I have some kind of timing related thing with TRLog on a Win98 DOS
box, where TR will not talk to the keyboard on a 1.8 GHz P4.

This remains even if the processor/motherboard is swapped to an Athlon
on 1.7 GHz board, on a completely new stripped off hard disk and fresh
w98 installation. EVERYTHING has been swapped, even the case and power
supply. I have spent WEEKS of evenings chasing this.

Interestingly, if I don't provide the configuration file, it talks to
keyboard just fine when polling me for information to set up the
contest and then quits talking when TR itself starts. This behavior is
not displayed on any other program run on the box, which runs just
fine. This would seem to discount the OS or setup in any way.

Unfortunately, the motherboard does not allow me to slow it down
beyond the default (the P4 is using a 100 MHz base clock).

All the bios settings are as tame as can be set.

After spending a week fiddling with DOS box settings, can say that I
don't know of any that change it's behavior.

It would seem to be a hard-coded timing constant somewhere that
depends on counting CPU cycles for release. As the CPU cycles become
shorter with faster machines, things start to break.

Are we working with an old, old compiler here? Since the first part of
the program runs fine on a brand new un-configged run, wouldn't seem
to be the OS, really.

73, Guy.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Juhan P�ldvere" <juhan@chem.ut.ee>
To: "Mark S. Adams, P.E." <msadams@acsu.buffalo.edu>
Cc: <trlog@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [TRLog] DOS/98/XP-almost solved??

> Hi,
> I remember there were problems with running TRLog or TurboPascal on
> machines some time ago. Don't know if this is an issue with recent
> of TRLog.
> Somone here could get TRLog v. 4.05 to run by turning internal and
> cache off in BIOS Setup and/or using a program called CPU_Killer 2.0
> tame his too hot Pony.
> > A lister informed me that the following might be needed to get my
> > solved. You know, the partitioned drive with dos, 98 and xp on the
> > dell.
> [...]
> > I tried this and instead of the program freezing on the FIRST qso
> > it now freezed on the THIRD qso logged. Cool, eh?  Before making
these mods
> > to the config.sys file, the program would even freeze while making
> > using CTRL-J after startup.
> >
> > Now, given this new info, someone must know how to make the
program log say
> > 500 Q's :-)
> --
> Juhan ES5QX
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