[TRLog] TR 6.64 comments... (SBDVP)

Udo DL2ZAV dl2zav@gmx.de
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 21:57:25 +0200

> >BTW Has anyone tried SBDVP with 6.64? For some inexplicable reason I
> >cannot play messages anymore. I can record just fine. I am wondering
> >(HOPING!!!) it is a localized problem.

[Jimmy Weierich, 16 Apr 2002:]

> Can't play messages in 6.64 here either. Trips PTT and immediately
> drops it. Fails with a previously recorded and reloaded message as
> well as a newly recorded one.

Same here. Looks like the message is there, but it is interrupted immediately.
> Recording is okay, messages recorded in 6.64 play just fine in 6.63.
Alt-W recording and Alt-R replay without PTT are both OK.


73, Udo

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