[TRLog] MiQP items

Jim Smith jimsmith@shaw.ca
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 22:40:00 -0700

Hi all,

Just finished MiQP and note that a lot of mobiles are marked as dupes. 
 I read the State QSO Party thread from Feb 02 and now understand why 
and that I'm going to have to score it myself.  Not a big deal with my 
small number of Qs.  It seems to me that if TR POST checked the QTH for 
duped calls that this would solve the problem.  e.g.  W9TU/M with QTH 
Calhou is different from W9TU/M with QTH Lapeer.   Would have to have 
some means of distinguishing QSO Parties from other tests as probably 
wouldn't want to do this for every test.

Aren't we great at thinking up things for Tree to do?

Before I enter the next QSO party I'm thinking of changing the DOM file 
so that only the county abbreviations are used.  e.g. Char instead of 
Charlevoix.  Doing this will enable a lot more of the mults to show in 
the mult window, probably all of them with BIG REMAINING LIST = TRUE. 
 Is there any reason why this would be a bad idea?

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO