[TRLog] MiQP Issue

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 08:26:29 -0700

> Ran into a strange thing regarding multipliers this weekend. When logging a station
> in certain counties, TR did not count them properly. For example, I log K8CC in the
> following counties using the official abbreviations from the MICHCTY.DOM file: STC,
> STJ, GRT, and GRA. These should go in as 4 new multipliers from St Clair, St Joseph,
> Grand Traverse, and Gratiot. Instead TR logs STC as Clare, doesn't count STJ as a new
> mult, logs GRT as Gratio, and then doesn't count GRA as a mult. Funny thing is that
> the editable log shows the proper mults, and the scoring summary shows three mults
> instead of four. The LOG.DAT file shows two mults; see example log below.
>  Band    Date    Time  QSO#  Call worked   Sent Rcvd Rcvd   Qth     Mults   Pts
>  ----    ----    ----  ----  -----------   ---- ---- ----  -----    -----   ---
> 160CW  22-Apr-02 09:19    1  K8CC/STC       599  599    1  St Cla   Clare    2
> 160CW  22-Apr-02 09:19    2  K8CC/STJ       599  599    1  St Jos            2
> 160CW  22-Apr-02 09:19    3  K8CC/GRT       599  599    1  Grand    Gratio   2
> 160CW  22-Apr-02 09:21    4  K8CC/GRA       599  599    1  Gratio            2

You can't have spaces in the QTHs.

St Cla goes to Clare

St Jos would be Jos - which I assume didn't matchup to anything.
