[TRLog] QTC's on 2 computers ...

KL7RA kl7ra@ptialaska.net
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 08:04:58 -0800

> At 01:01 AM 8/11/02 -0800, KL7RA wrote:
>I found a lot of CQing Non-Europe everywhere but not enough Europe
>to work, maybe because of the 100 watt limit and time of year, etc.

Pete wrote:
> Hi Rich -- I did a double-take at this and checked the rules.  There are
> low and high power classes, with the break at 100 watts -- maybe that's
> what you meant.  But I agree with you, participation seemed to be sparse
> yesterday.  Maybe it will pick up today.

Yes, sorry, the100 watt entry is very popular in Europe for the WAE. Low
power entries in contests are getting popular everywhere now including the
USA which makes it a little harder for us "poor" propagation folks.

>But I agree with you, participation seemed to be sparse yesterday.  Maybe
>it will pick up today.

The contest is over for me, Europe is open to this part of the world only in
afternoon and evening on 20 meters right now.

73 Rich KL7RA