[TRLog] Icom 765 (and other??) filter selection...

Ron D. Rossi rrossi@btv.ibm.com
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 02:18:55 -0500

I have at least one IC-765 user who has a problem with TRLog attempting to set 
filter widths especially on SSB where a narrow filter does not exist. This 
causes problems when switching modes. In the latest beta I have switched off 
the code which specifies a filter for Icoms which now causes CW on the 765 to 
revert to wide mode.

I think the right answer is to have TRLog enable the narrow filter when in CW 
mode and no filter when in SSB mode for the IC-765. My questions for you 
are... Will this pose a problem for IC-765 users? Should I do this for any 
other Icoms? All Icoms? Or leave the code AS-IS today for other Icoms?

PS I am getting very good reports from the beta folk about the Icom radio 
communications now. I can hardly wait to share it with you.

73 es God Bless de KK1L...ron rossi(kk1l@arrl.net) <><
Support Programmer for TRLog http://www.qth.com/tr
QTH: Jericho, Vermont
My page: http://www.qsl.net/kk1l