Juhan Poldvere juhan@chem.ut.ee
Fri, 06 Dec 2002 00:36:39 +0200

>Having read about the difference between using INPUT CONFIG FILE vs 
>STDCFG.DAT, I cannot see the reason why anyone would want to use INPUT 
>CONFIG FILE setting.
>What kind of config info is the INPUT CONFIG FILE setting best used for?

We have sometimes used INPUT CONFIG FILE to describe workplace-specific parameters in a multiop setup thus making it possible 
to prepare only one LOGCFG.DAT (See Ex.3 in The Manual).

The reason we can't use STDCFG.DAT is that our computers and PCs
are not married and may change partners between parties. Else we
might carve e. g. MY WIFE'S NAME = TS850SATAN right into the 
heart of each computer. Also, tables in the bar are not reserved (COMPUTER ID = A etc).
Juhan ES5QX