[TRLog] Noted while contesting.

Udo DL2ZAV dl2zav@gmx.de
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 22:04:22 +0100

[Kenneth E. Harker, 16 Dec 2002:]
> Just about everything in POST is something you _could_ do with a text
> editor or a spreadsheet or something.  That doesn't mean someone
> should hold back on asking for new features or improvements to POST if
> they have an idea.

Talking about SUMMARY.DAT, POST does not evaluate CONTEST 
NAME or CONTEST TITLE statements from LOGCFG.DAT This is 
another case for the text editor when working self-defined contests.

The code is already there - in TR.EXE which correctly writes the 
contest title into LOG.DAT. Can this somehow be ported to the Create 
Summary procedure?

73, Udo
dl2zav @ darc.de [de,eo,en]

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