[TRLog] Won't jump to S&P

Mike Gilmer, N2MG n2mg@eham.net
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 21:32:54 -0500

See http://lists.contesting.com/_trlog/2002-November/009693.html

VO1HP wrote:
> For some reason TRLog has stopped the AUTO JUMP TO S&P when I am tuning.
> freq is being displayed properly and changes rapidly as I am tuning.  I
have the option
> set to TRUE by using the CNTRL J list.   If I tune
> really fast sometimes it will jumo to S&P but not every time.
> If I change modes....say go to LSB from CW or vice versa it will jump to
S&P.  This started
> happening on the weekend during ARRL 10.  Using a FT1000MP.