[TRLog] Help with CW

Mike Brown k9mi@arrl.net
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 17:13:18 +0000

Hi Mark=0D
You want it enabled.=0D
Mike - K9MI=0D
-------Original Message-------=0D
From: Mark Beckwith=0D
Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 4:13:30 PM=0D
To: trlog@contesting.com=0D
Subject: Re: [TRLog] Help with CW=0D
Wanted to comment as well, I have that choppy-initial-letter thing happen=
too sometimes, and mine's on a DOS computer that has no windows of any ki=
If I recall, this is a case of SMRTDRV either being loaded and it shouldn=
be or the other way around, I forget. Anyway, in my case, it can't be=0D
caused by Windows.=0D
Which one is it, youse guys?=0D
Mark, N5OT=0D
----- Original Message -----=0D
From: <WG0M@aol.com>=0D
To: <trlog@contesting.com>; <kk1l@arrl.net>=0D
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 5:26 PM=0D
Subject: [TRLog] Help with CW=0D
> Ron:=0D
> I had a local ham listen to the cw sent and he confirmed that the 5nn d=
> not always sound like 5nn. He basically reported that what he heard at=0D
> qth was the same I heard here.=0D
> I disconnected the computer from the rig and listened to the cw in the=0D
> computer and it too sounded bad.=0D
> When using the F2 key in S&P all is fine.=0D
> We were wondering if there is some buffer setting that needs to be=0D
> to allow both the logging and sending report at the same time for S&P?=0D
> Any ideas and have you had time to look at the files I sent?=0D
> I wait to hear from you.=0D
> Best regards,=0D
> Michael Gulbranson=0D
> CleanAir Technologies, Inc=0D
> Tel: 952-544-9152=0D
> Fax: 952-545-2449=0D
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