[TRLog] searchable TR-Log archives?

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Sun, 03 Feb 2002 10:02:10 -0500

At 07:08 AM 2/3/02 -0800, you wrote:
>I found the archives for the tr-log e-mail list sorted by month.  Is there
>any way to search all of those months at once by keyword?
>My question:  I finally got a laptop computer to use for my station.  I
>hate dos shells, so I hit F8 or whatever at boot up to get to "real mode"
>dos, but the window is in the center of the screen, and only takes up about
>1/3 of the full screen.  How do I enlarge this window to take up the full

Go to www.contesting.com and look in the left margin for a box labeled
"list search".  Use trlog as one of your search terms to limit to just that
reflector.  Add topic-specific search terms, and it will search text and
headers back to the beginning of reflected time.

I believe that what you have is machine-specific.  If you run the DOS Edit
program from the same command line, do you get full screen?

73, Pete N4ZR

Sometimes a tower is
just a tower

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