[TRLog] Band selection within sub-bands

Thomas M. Schaefer toms@xmission.com
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 21:29:30 -0600

I recently went to visit a friend of mine who has a large Western =
Electric amp that is automatically tuned, but needs different tuning =
circuits switched in. This is done automatically with a remote switch. =
We were talking about the band output from his Yaesu and also from TR, =
but there is a problem.  Out of 10 positions on the switch, he has to =
use one for 14.000 to 14.200 and the next one for 14.100 to 14.350. I =
could not recall any way to drive this with a band output because I =
think that is basically one band at a time. Has anyone run into this =

I know TR can drive 10 bands, but I wonder if there is any way I can =
control what frequency each band controls. Rather than simply setting =
the BCD 6 (for example) for 20 meters and 7 for 40 meters, could I tell =
TR which freq. range to use for the different BCD outputs? Then I could =
use a custom decoded like the WX9T one to drive the relay for the proper =

If TR cannot currently co it, would this be a worthy feature?


Tom NY4I

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