[TRLog] FD - Hand-entering AO-40 Q's

Tom Hammond NØSS n0ss@earthlink.net
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 00:02:41 -0500

Hi folks:

This is the first year we've made any AO-40 Q's during Field Day. The AO-40 
op was hand-logging his satellite Q's, so I'm in the process of entering 
them into an ASCII file of the same format as that of TRLog.

My question is HOW to configure TRLog so it'll accept these Q's when I READ 
them back into TRlog so I can do the scoring.

Mainly, I have the following questions:

1) What parms in LOGCFG.DAT much be changed to enable the
    UHF AO-40 Q's to be READ in by TRLog?

2) What BAND should I show for AO-40 Q's? I think the uplink
    was on 2.4GHz and I'm not sure how to show that in the
    leftmost three columns of the TRLog default log file format.

Or... does TRLog even support Q's above 2 meters?


Tom  N0SS