[TRLog] 6 band change rule

Steve London n2ic@arrl.net
Tue, 05 Mar 2002 19:09:17 +0000

What's going on here ?  There is a 6 band change/hour rule for M/S in ARRL 
DX.  No need to keep track of any 10 minute clock.  TR already handles the 6 
band change/hour rule just fine by setting the HOUR DISPLAY to BAND CHANGES.

Steve, N2IC

>From: Tree N6TR <tree@kkn.net>
>To: trlog@contesting.com
>CC: n1nd@arrl.org, trey@kkn.net
>Subject: [TRLog] 6 band change rule
>Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 10:02:11 -0800
>K5NZ writes:
>  > Keeping up with the 6 band change rule for ARRL M/S is a mess.  Why do 
>we not
>  > have a feature in TR to help keep up with this?  We had a 10 min clock 
>and it
>  > worked great?  Is this too hard to add?  We made 2 mistakes this 
>weekend and
>  > I asked ARRL how I could remove those QSO's so not to hurt the station 
>  > worked.  Now they say we have to be M/M for 2 mistakes. BS anyone else 
>  > just wipe the QSO's and send in the log, happens all the time.
>I think the first sentence answers the question asked in the second 
>better than I can.
>While I haven't tried to put a specific feature in to deal with the 10 
>rule, I did try doing off time once or twice.  I gave up and took it out.
>Whenever I have thought about putting something like this in, I end up 
>in all of the special cases that come up.  I have done this enough times, 
>I try to refrain from thinking about them.
>This is also an interesting case - since I am also the one doing the log 
>with the software.  Special cases like this are impossible to deal with.  I 
>"not count these two QSOs in one log, but make sure they don't count as 
>NILs in
>the other logs" without a lot of manual work - and prone to errors.
>There are no easy answers.  I can look into adding some kind of feature to 
>management of the 10 minute rule easier - but I can't guarantee that the 
>thing won't happen again.
>You have probably put yourself at a disadvantage by trying to do the right
>TRLog mailing list

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