FQP and 6.58

Dean Wood dwood@cisco.com

Hi Tree,

I don't mean to make your night worse given the criticism on the
Cabrillo stuff, but thought I should bring something to your attention
as soon as I found out:

In 6.58, there are two differences between what the FQP rules
state, and the FQP module in TR.

The same problems apply for both FL and non-FL stations:

1. ActiveExchange := QSONumberDomesticQTHExchange;
It should be RSTDomesticQTHEXchange.  This is for the non-FL station.
Same idea for FL stations except of course the QTH syntax in the
above statement.  The FQP exchange includes serial report, not QSO number.

2. MultByMode := False;
It should be true.  Mults count once on CW and once on SSB in FQP.

Check out sections 6 and 7 in the FQP rules:

If you can't change it before FQP, I'll still live.  :)
Thanks for a great program.

-Dean - N6DE

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