[TRLog] A word about Spyware

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 18:27:02 -0800

This isn't a TR Log subject, but it is something we should all be aware of.

Recently, I bought a new computer for my wife and kids.  It had Windows XP 
with a 1.7 Gig Pentium processor.  Amazing amount of computer to buy for 
$850 (w/o monitor).  

We started having a problem where it would try to dial up on the internet 
without any good reason.  This was a very frustrating problem for months
and made using the computer very frustrating.  My main computer in
the shack uses the same phone line and it would disconnect when the other
computer would grab the phone line.

After many un-successful attempts to figure out what was going on, I finally
figured it out.  A kids software program (I think it was Barbie) had 
installed a program that would try to connect to a web-site and give it 

If you do a web search on brodcast and spyware, you will find lots of 
information about this type of software.  

I find it totally unacceptable that this type of software is included with
other software - and installed without the knowledge of the user.  

Please read and become educated.  Take appropriate steps to make sure you
don't have any of these programs on your computer.  Furthurmore, I would
suggest you let people who have lowered themselves to do this kind of thing
what you think about it.

73 Tree