[TRLog] Which contest to use for an unsupported contest

Cal ckuter@ix.netcom.com
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 17:37:28 -0600

I have been using TR for about a year.  Seems like there are several =
contest (RTTY) that I have participated in and these are not supported.  =
I read (skimmed) the manual about the various commands for point =
methods, multipliers etc.  My question is how do I determine which =
contest to start with?  Should I use a contest with similar multiplier =
structure or point methodology?

For example, the EA WW RTTY Contest. I am not looking for someone to =
build the .cfg file, but am interested in a starting point with the =
contest.  Other questions are related to different points for 10 - 20 =
bands and for 40 - 80 bands. =20

Thanks in advance
Cal N9KO

RST and serial number.=20
Only EA Stations send RST and PREFIJO PROVINCIAL=20


On 10, 15 and 20 meters bands, ONE (1) for contacts within own =
continent, TWO (2) for contacts outside own continent.=20

On 40 and 80 meters bands, THREE (3) for contacts within own continent, =
SIX (6) for contacts outside own continent.=20

Contacts between stations world-wide are valid.=20


a.. a) DXCC Entities,=20
b.. b) Call area of USA, VE, JA, VK, and=20
c.. c) Spanish Provinces (PREFIJOS PROVINCIALES) - Provinciales are =
designated by a 2 alpha and 1 number designator.
e.. NOTE: The first QSO with an EA, EA6, EA8 and EA9 station, on each =
band, count for two (2) multipliers (DXCC Entity + Province).=20
The first QSO with an W, VE, JA and VK stations, on each band, count for =
two (2) multipliers (DXCC Entity and Call area)=20


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